Welcome to

1st Dursley Scout Group

We are a very active Group with thriving Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts sections. We like to think that we provide traditional scouting and yet embrace modern times. The reason why Scouting remains the largest youth movement in the world is that it’s got great core values: it’s faith, it’s about friendship, it’s about fun and so much of who we are as an adult is formed when we are kids.


If you are thinking of joining us or are already a member, we hope this site will be useful to you! 


If you have any comments or feedback, please get it touch.

Here are some of our things that we get up to …..

January 2022 – Caving

January 2022 some of our members had a great opportunity to go caving at Burrington Coombe with Mark and Stuart from Somerset scouts. This amazing adventure was all due to one of our Cubs writing an article on John Volanthen a world renowned cave diver. John was part of the rescue team who helped the young football team in Thailand that were trapped in a flooded cave system in 2018.

It is always a proud moment when you see our members showing great bravery, teamwork and enthusiasm during an event like this, Well done Beaver, Cubs, Scouts and Volunteers who attended.

Keep on Scouting!